Day 13- Hungering!

2020 VISION | Day 13 | Hungering!

“For the word of God is alive and active. 

Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates 

even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; 

it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”

(Hebrews 4:12, NIV).

On one of my first visits to another country, our team spent every morning of our stay at a school compound interacting with kids. The school would make an oatmeal-like breakfast for all of the kids, cooked in a large black kettle over an open flame. It looked nasty but was a staple in their culture and something inexpensive to make. The kids seemed to love it and would wait in a long line to get it. To some, it was their only meal of the day.  The Old Testament prophet Amos prophesied about a time of hunger for hearing the words of the Lord. He described people searching desperately for direction but unable to nd it. Some people would even faint as a result.  

“The days are coming when I will send hunger 

through the  land. But people will not be hungry 

for food. They will not be thirsty for water.  

 Instead, they will be hungry to hear a message from me”

(Amos 8:11).

Most of us are hungry to hear God speak when we need an answer or have a problem, but what if we sought a message from God just to hear what He has to say. I know a few people in my life who wake up eager to hear God speak to them, not about personal needs necessarily, but just craving the message of God to leap off the pages of their Bible and bring them clarity, wisdom, and understanding.  

Prayer: Father, we ask for ears to hear Your word when You speak and a passion (hunger) to pursue You. May the words on each page we read change us. In Christ’s name, Amen!